Saturday, May 06, 2006
About Me
- Name: Beau - Israel's PC Doctor
- Location: Center, Israel
I am Beau - IsraelPCdoctor, living in Central Israel, working wherever computers (or computer users) are in distress. I also am a reasonably accomplished jazz & blues percussionist and flautist. When I'm not busy repairing computers, studying the latest developments in healthy vegetarian nutrition, or jamming somewhere, most of my "spare" time is spent acquiring and preparing all the good whole foods necessary to sustain a healthy lifestyle. oh, forgot to mention that in between all of the above, I'm also regularly rescuing and caring for cats (or occasionally other animals) in distress or need.
Dear fellow Anglo (and English-speaking) Yahoo list members, why not begin the New Year in a healthier way - not only healthier for your body, mind, and spirit, but also secure in the fitness, vigor and reliability of your computer? In recent times, many of us have started becoming much more aware of what we eat, drink, breathe, and do, and how significantly these things can impact our overall health and wellbeing.
In much the same way, what we do, as well as how and - how often - we do it, with, on, to, and for our computers can also have life-changing ramifications for us, our families, and our businesses. Throughout the course of the year, day in and day out, we increasingly rely upon these ubiquitous appliances to help us perform a plethora of vital tasks and functions - such as personal, medical, & business record-keeping and management, communications with our friends, loved ones, colleagues & customers, research & education, not to mention recreation & entertainment for ourselves and our families.
Many of us regularly - and without so much as a second thought - entrust our computers with the entire compilations of our critical financial, business and personal data, the music, video, & photographic memories of our lives, the documentation of just about everything we do, think or say, including our contact lists, our schedules, our correspondence, even a written record of many of our thoughts and feelings. For lots of us, the PC has stepped in to operate as a combination of TV, radio, notepad, journal, diary, calendar, alarm clock, phone, calculator, confidant and companion all wrapped up in one.
With so many of these profoundly critical and fundamental tasks being regularly and routinely delegated to our home or office computers, doesn't it seem to naturally follow that we should, perhaps, pay nearly as much attention to their maintenance, care, upkeep, and general health and safety as we do to our own - after all, more and more, in so many different ways, our own health, happiness, and security seem to have become virtually inextricably entwined with the condition, dependability, performance and functionality of our electronic partners.
Certainly, something that we routinely - almost unconsciously - entrust with such monumentally vital and necessary information and assignments should be looked after by a consummately skilled, experienced, and qualified professional who fully understands how important a role the computer plays in your life and cares enough to go the extra mile to help ensure that it will unfailingly be there for you whenever, and for whatever, you might want or require it.
I have spent a substantial portion of my life training, studying, working, and diligently preparing for that very undertaking - making sure that your computer is - and will continue to be - steadfastly, safely and reliably working at the very top of its capacity to fulfill each and every request or demand you might place upon it.
So whatever computer-related questions, problems, quandaries, crises, or missions you may face - large or small, don't hesitate to call upon me for advice, support, or assistance whenever you might need it. I'm certified, knowledgeable, and experienced in just about every phase of computer and network support, repair, training, and instruction - hardware and software, Windows, Office, Internet, E-mail, Security / Threat Interdiction & Removal, Data Backup & Recovery - you name it.
Please feel free to post any questions or comments you may have regarding computing - hardware of software-related.
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