IsraelPCdoctor - Computer Services & Information

A place to get tips, pointers, advice, & information about computers, networks, Windows, internet, e-mail, etc. You might also find some interesting stuff about whole foods, & healthy, vegetarian nutrition and lifestyles.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

amazing how busy i've been this past year - it seems that so many people just never stop needing assistance and support with their computers and networks that i never have the time to write and post the content i hope to put on this blog. never fear, i still plan on getting this blog up and running soon. meanwhile, you can find out anything you need to know at my free yahoo computer users' support forum, here:

be back soon

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Well, the progress of the construction and development of this blog has been held up due to my having been so busily engaged in the business of rescuing sick and dying computers all around central Israel.

Hopefully, I'll have everything working very soon.

Meanwhile, stay tuned - there will soon be a lot of very useful information appearing here.

The next topic to be covered here will be the vital issue of data backup, storage, and retrieval/recovery.

Beau - IsraelPCdoctor

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Here in our 21st century world of technological complexity and sophistication, with digital technologies and innovations emerging and advancing at break-neck speeds, along with the seemingly endless parade of " indispensable " new electronic gadgets, accoutrements and accessories which proceeds inexorably, relentlessly onward, it's enough to make one's head spin!

. . . . and somehow, it all invariably leads to – or from – our essential and obligatory 21st century companion, the good old home or office PC, and that maddening mess of electronic spaghetti that inevitably accumulates behind/around the computer and its workspace, often spreading even further throughout the house or office.

Not to mention, such enjoyable thrills as: illegal operations, fatal errors, file not found, page cannot be displayed, access denied, dead links, incorrect username/password, insufficient memory, invalid system disk, missing operating system, and all the other joys of computing in a Windows world.

Well, that, my friend, is the purpose of this blog. I intend to provide here information, advice, support, assistance and – yes, even sympathy and understanding - for those of you who are finding it just a little bit difficult keeping up in this supercharged, online, high-speed, broadband, user-unfriendly universe in which we presently reside.

Stay tuned. . . . . . .